Chapter 59


When he woke up in the morning, Chen Zhiyu’s whole body was muddy.

The fact that Xia Qingshu did not like him was no less devastating to him than the bankruptcy of the Chen Group.

When he looked at him, Xia Qingshu’s beautiful eyes were shining with the joy of seeing the one he loved, which was reflected in his eyes. Even a blind man could see that Xia Qing Shu liked him!

As for why he denied it, it was inevitably because he was too stupid, never having had any experience of liking people, and his subconscious hadn’t realized it yet.

Just wait for some time.

After tossing and turning for most of the night, Chen Zhiyu managed to convince himself, and then, for the first time in his life, he lost sleep.

In the morning he sat at the dining table, quietly eating his breakfast. The family cat was lying on the table, staring at the food in his hands and occasionally gripping a paw.

“Dad.” Chen Zhiyu shouted, “Take the cat away.”

No one responded.

The whole house was surprisingly quiet.

Chen Zhiyu was always busy at work, and his parents were often secretly working on their “passing on the lineage” project, harassing him every now and then.

He had been spending too much time on Xia Qingshu recently, and now that he thought about it, it had been a long time since they had done anything wrong.

He put down the milk in his hand, picked up the cat and followed the sound to the backyard, where he saw Chen Rao and Chen Qianxiang hugging a dwarf horse and shouting “baby”.

Suddenly he remembered that his Mum was pregnant and that soon there would be another heir to the Chen family. At such a young age, heavy expectations would be placed on him.

However, Chen Rao, with the expectations of the entire family, instead of nurturing the baby, was riding a horse.

Anyone with a modicum of common sense would know that pregnant women cannot ride horses, and since the horse had never been tamed and Chen Rao was an older woman, a stumble could be a life-threatening event.

His eyes flicked around Chen Rao’s body.

He noticed that Chen Rao’s waist was very thin. He knew that Chen Rao took good care of it, but being pregnant, it had to grow a little flesh more or less. But a closer look showed Chen Rao seemed to have lost even more weight.

Instead of the sluggishness and bloating of a woman in advanced maternity, she was leaping up and down on the short-legged horse. If something is out of the ordinary, there must be something fishy.

Chen Zhiyu walked over and looked at the stallion. It was a very beautiful dwarf horse, small and delicate, with short legs and fat belly, smooth and shiny hair all around. It was gentle and docile.

Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing were very fond of the short-legged horse, and wrapped their arms around the horse’s neck.

“Mom, you gave birth to a horse?” Chen Zhiyu looked a little confused.

“What are you talking about?” Chen Rao saw her son and pointed to the horse, “This is Chen Zude, your son, my eldest grandson.”

Chen Zhiyu: “?”

He had just wondered why his parents weren’t being demons in awhile, and now they had. Not only did they find him a horse son, but they also gave him a name that was even more rustic than his own.

Chen Zhiyu resolutely refused, “I don’t want it, thanks.”

“No, you must have it.” Chen Rao got down from the dwarf horse with an unusually firm attitude. Seemingly remembering her pregnant woman persona, she reached out her hand to be supported by Chen Qianxiang, who was standing by the side, and pointed to “Chen Zu De”: “This is a playmate for your brother.”

“Brother?” Chen Zhiyu glanced at her stomach, “It’s illegal to check the gender in advance.”

Chen Rao rolled her eyes, “Mom knows, this is what the master has calculated, the pregnancy is definitely a younger brother.”

Chen Zhiyu stared at her suspiciously, “The one who said to change the name last time?”

He had his name changed to Luixi. That was outrageous enough.

Even now, Chen Rao was still obsessed with calling him Luixi.

Chen Rao knew that he didn’t believe her and didn’t want to bother with him. The Master was too spiritual. If it weren’t for the Master, they wouldn’t have known that Xia Qing Shu was pregnant.

Chen Zhiyu walked forward and took his “son”.

“Zu De” was very docile, gently rubbing his head against Chen Zhiyu’s hand, “Since the Chen family has a new successor, why are you still fussing over me?”

Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing shrank their heads guiltily, “The master said that the boy’s fate is thin and to find him a companion.”

Chen Rao couldn’t help but redden hed eyes as she spoke of his poor fate. Her big fat grandson’s life was so hard, both of his fathers didn’t want him.

If she, as a grandmother, hadn’t been as meticulous and attentive to even dust, and hadn’t found Xia Qing Shu first, a little later and what awaited them would have been a puddle of blood.

She clutched her chest and said with lingering fear, “The child is weak, The master said that you need to find a good help. You must find a person who has a strong sense of the eight characters. If there is an unpredictable situation, Zu De’s eight characters are strong and can shield the child for now.”

Chen Zhiyu was greatly shocked, “You mean, you want my horse son be a disaster-blocking substitute for your son?”

Sure enough, Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing, had both once again reached new heights on the path of continuing the lineage.

Chen Rao said to herself, “Both are your sons.

“Pretty much, just think of Zu De as a living piece of peace jade.” Chen Rao pulled Chen Zhiyu, “Luixi, ah, the master has given the child a few names, you pick one.”

Chen Zhiyu gave her a look, “It’s your child, why should I choose the name?”

Chen Zhiyu had always been a bit reluctant to the succession of the lineage, and when Chen Rao became pregnant again, he thought he would be able to withdraw completely from the whirlpool of lineage successiom, but to his surprise, he still couldn’t jump out.

Chen Rao rolled her eyes twice, “You’re the most literate in the family, of course you have to do it.”

“Bring it to me and let me see.”

Chen Rao handed over a piece of yellow paper with ten or so names written on it, Chen Zhiyu couldn’t look past the first few.

“Chen Chengzu, Chen Chengde, Chen Chengzhou …… Chen Zukang, Chen Zu Xiong, Chen Zuzhi, Chen Zuyuan ……”

At first glance, the names looked like ones for the kind of person who would give birth to seven or eight sons.

Chen Zhiyu covered his forehead, “I can’t pick out.”

Although Chen Zhiyu refused, but today he was particularly good to talk, he didn’t have a cold face, and did not immediately walk away. It was the first time he spoke to them with in a good voice.

Chen Rao asked tentatively, “This child’s eight characters are too weak, we thought about it and considered asking another nobleman to be the godfather for the child.”

“As you wish.” Chen Zhiyu looked at the time, turned around and left, he was late for the office today.

Chen Rao jogged two steps behind him, suddenly remembering that she was pregnant, she hurriedly stopped again and covered her stomach, “I’ve already found someone.”


“Xia Qing Shu.” Chen Rao explained, “His eight characters are wood, his character is mild, the child’s eight characters are fire, wood gives birth to fire ……”

In fact, it was the master who said that he was afraid that the child would not be able to survive, and that it would be best if the birth mother could personally look after it for some time when it was first born, so they were just looking for a reason so that Xia Qing Shu could have a legitimate reason to come over and look after the child.

After all, this was the Chen family’s only hope and could not be neglected at all.

Chen Zhiyu took a step and blurted out, “No!”

Chen Rao pursued the question, “Why not?”

Chen Zhiyu looked solemn and righteous, “You’re just feudal dregs!”

Chen Rao was a bit confused, he hadn’t reacted so strongly to finding a horse for Chen Zhiyu to be his son, but making Xia Qing Shu be godfather seemed to have touched his reverse scale.

Chen Zhiyu seemed to see her confusion and explained, “It’s enough for you to wreak havoc on your family, it’s best not to let outsiders see jokes.”

Chen Rao’s child was his brother, and Xia Qing Shu would be his wife, so if his brother called his wife “godfather”, wouldn’t he also have to call Xia Qing Shu “uncle”?

Wouldn’t that be a mess?

No way!

Chen Rao asked tentatively, “What if I have to do this?”

Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly, “Then break off the parent-child relationship with me first!”

Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing looked at each other, hugging their heads and whispering, after some deep consideration, they decided that they would first cut off their parent-child relationship with their good eldest son for a year.

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

There is no room for a grain of sand in the path of the Chen family’s heritage, and if there is, then let’s toss it!


Just after autumn, the temperature in the city was still at around 17 or 18 degrees, but the president’s office of the Chen Group was like it had been plunged into an ice cave, it was refreshingly cold.

“Secretary Li, tell me, from what you see, does Xia Qing Shu like me?”

Chen Zhiyu’s face was cold, his whole face seemed to have just come from the snowy mountains, and the air around him seemed to be permeated with a chill.

It might either be because he had been temporarily expelled from the Chen family or because he had messed with his future wife.

Secretary Li stood neatly, his eyes not daring to glance around, his hands dropping to the seams of his trousers.

When the boss climbed the wall last night, he had a bad feeling about it.

As expected, the boss was unprecedentedly late today. Not only was he late, but he had cancelled the regular meeting, beckoning him over in a stern voice, and he had waited a long time before asking him this question.

“Boss, before I answer your question, can I ask a question?”

Chen Zhiyu waved his big hand, “Ask.”

Secretary Li thought for a moment and asked, “Do you like Xia Qing Shu?”

Chen Zhiyu looked over with an austere gaze and said in a deep voice, “I asked you if he liked me, and you asked me back if I liked him?!”

His tone was stern and carried an irrefutable forcefulness.

At work, not answering a question posed by the boss and asking it in return was audacious!

Secretary Li, however, did not have a hint of the crisis that he was about to be docked from his year-end bonus, instead, he muttered in a small voice, “So that means you likes him?”

Chen Zhiyu said in a stern voice, “Why are you asking this?”

Although he looked grumpy, he had the desire to continue communicating.

Secretary Li: “Am asking clearly so that you can prescribe the right medicine.”

Chen Zhiyu looked out of the window, the tips of his ears a little red, “Sort of, sort of.”

Secretary Li lowered his eyes, his heart “clicked” as if he heard the sound of the heartless road breaking.

This answer, seemingly breezy and light, was in fact an understatement.

Although it had long been obvious that the boss liked Xia Qingshu, it was really not easy to hear the boss admit it himself. The boss was an iron-blooded capitalist who didn’t even love money, nothing, except for his job!

Secretary Li secretly thought to himself that he hadn’t taken his paternity leave, and this year was almost over, with twenty days left in his annual leave, it would be best to give himseld a break while the boss was in love.

“Boss, I think, Xia likes you.” Secretary Li did his best to work for the annual leave, “He just doesn’t realize it himself.”

“There are people who look smart and can do everything flawlessly, but they are very slow to react to feelings,” Secretary Li glanced at his boss and analyzed, “They have obviously been tempted and the people next to them can see it, but they don’t know it themselves, I just think, student Xia is that kind of person. ”

Chen Zhiyu pondered, “Your example isn’t quite accurate, and Xia Qing Shu doesn’t look too smart.”

Clumsy, slow to respond, slow to do things, he really doesn’t look to be the kind of “smart-looking” person that Secretary Li said.

It was true that he is good-looking.

Secretary Li slapped his thigh, “Then it’s even more evident. Although I haven’t spent much time with Xia, I know him to a certain extent, and he must be the kind of person who is slow to react to feelings.”

Chen Zhiyu rubbed his chin with his fingers and asked unashamedly, “So what should I do now?”

Secretary Li: “Chase him!”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

He was a little hesitant.

Not to mention his status as the number one in the cantaloupe rich list and the glory of being China’s “national boyfriend”, how could he possibly take the initiative to chase someone?

It was more like Xia Qing Shu should be the one chasing him!

“Are you trustworthy or not?”

Secretary Li did not dare to speak.

After a moment of silence, Chen Zhiyu instructed again, “Give him a call and ask him what he’s up to.”

Yesterday, he had left in a bit of a hurry himself, plus he was a bit embarassed, so he didn’t dare to take the initiative to contact the other party today.

Li-Toolman-Secretary took out the phone and called Xia Qingshu, and hang up the phone. Secretary Li reported, “Boss, student Xia is climbing a mountain.”

“With who?”

“Xia Ji and Shen Xunyi, when they answered the phone just now, they seemed to have run into Wen Sheng the movie star by chance.”

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, “Tell me in detail, how should I chase him?”




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