Chapter 60


Xia Qingshu felt that Shen Xunyi was being too familiar, entering his room without permission and now insisting on taking him on a mountain climb with him.

For the sake of having helped him clean the footprints on the windowsill, Xia Qing Shu agreed.

The mountain they were climbing was called ShiJing Mountain. It belonged to the Longquan Mountains and is divided into the front mountain and back hills with temples in the front and stone stairs as well as waterfalls in the back. It was about a two hours’ drive from the city, and was one of the more famous scenic spots in the city.

Wearing a light blue sweatshirt, a pair of smoky grey sweatpants and a white canvas schoolbag, Xia Qing Shu looked like a beautiful elf in the trees as he walked through the woods, attracting passers-by to turn around.

Shen Xunyi walked behind him without ever taking his eyes off him.

The locals had set up many roadside stalls on the mountain road, selling drinks, jacket potatoes and waxy ribs. Stools were placed next to the stalls for visitors to rest.

Halfway up the mountain, Xia Qing Shu was a bit tired and found a bench to sit on, but a pair of high school students sat next to him, touched him gently and handed him a box of jacket potatoes.

Xia Qing Shu looked over at them. When he saw the potatoes, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, sprinkled with cumin and dried chillies, he froze and reached out to take them, then handed over five yuan.

He had put some change in his pocket, considering the possibility of a trip to the temple.

The pair of boys saw his face and were stunned for a moment, unable to even speak clearly, “No, no money, just…just give you to eat ……”

The boy who handed the potatoes stammered a bit. The two boys, both just in their second year of high school, took advantage of the class teacher’s illness to skip class and come out to play. The two climbed the mountain for a while, feeling a bit bored, and seeing Xia Qing Shu, who was alone and the same age, they intended to make a companion.

At first they thought Xia Qing Shu’s side face was very good looking, but they didn’t expect the front face to turn around and give them a powerful visual impact. It was the first time they saw a boy who looked even more beautiful than a girl.

The two boys were a bit rushed: you nudge me and I nudge you, signaling the other to go up and ask for a weibo.

Xia Qing Shu used to receive gifts of flowers from his fans, but this was the first time he received food. He knew he couldn’t eat food handed to him by strangers, but the two young boys looked at him with eager faces, making him a little overwhelmed.

He looked pretty, with pear swirls when he pursed his lips.

The two young boys didn’t know how to hide their emotions and just stared straight at Xia Qing Shu.

If they were allowed to look for two more minutes, they would probably be drooling.

Suddenly, there was a lightness in his hand and the jacket potato was taken over by a pair of big hands.

Looking at the two youngsters, who were not even hairy, Shen Xunyi said in a cold voice, “Qing Shu, you can’t eat food from unknown sources.”

Xia Qing Shu thought about it and felt that Shen Xunyi’s words made sense, so he nodded obediently. As greedy as he was, he still had a basic sense of safety.

Since he wouldn’t eat it, he planned to return the jacket potatoes.

“Give it to me, I’ll return them.” Xia Qing Shu had just reached out his hand when his delicate little hand was caught and squeezed by Shen Xunyi.

Xia Ji turned his head, and Shen Xunyi instantly dropped Xia Qing Shu’s hand.

“Don’t worry about it.” With a righteous face, Shen Xunyi threw the potato into the bin not far away in front of the two young boys.

Xia Qing Shu: This person was too impolite.

He was just about to apologize when the two boys took advantage of Shen Xunyi’s turned back and quietly said to him, “Classmate, your father is so mean.”

One of the boys said, “Let’s go play together, okay, it’s too boring with adults, I know a waterfall over there, there are small fish inside the stream ……”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Although the two people’s voices were small, they were still heard by Shen Xunyi.

Shen Xunyi’s handsome face was instantly angered to iron blue.

What dad, is he that old?!

He sat next to Xia Qing Shu and deliberately put his hand on his shoulder, “Little Qing Shu, call me.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

He looked to Xia Ji and whispered as if asking for help, “Brother.”

This Mr. Shen, not only was he self-conscious, but he also acted like he had social bull-headedness, going so far as to ask him to call in public..

For a moment, he really felt that Shen Xunyi was like his father, when relatives came to the house and his father asked him to come out and perform his talent.

He didn’t want to call out.

He didn’t open his mouth for awhile. Seeing that Shen Xunyi was going to continue to act weird again, Xia Ji laughed helplessly and coaxed, “Qing Shu, just call out to him for a bit.”

Only then did Xia Qingshu reluctantly shout in a small voice, “…… Brother Xunyi.”

His voice was sheepish, and although the volume was low, the surroundings were quiet and everyone present could hear it clearly.

Shen Xunyi snorted triumphantly at the two young boys, “Hear that, I’m his brother-” and deliberately trailed off.

Xia Qing Shu: ……

Social bullying PLUS

The two boys said in unison, “Uncle, you look really old.”

Shen Xunyi was about to get mad, and the two boys jumped up and ran away.

In fact, Shen Xunyi does not look old, a normal man in his early twenties, but because he is from the North, his physique is slightly taller, and Qing Shu looks too small.

Obviously Xia Qinshu’s actual age was about twenty, several years older than those two young boys just now, yet he looked as if he was as young as them. His skin was white and soft, the whole body dazzlingly white.

A face so fresh and tender that it looks like a young shoot in the morning, with dew still hanging on it. Especially with the unworldly and ignorant expression, it looked especially small.

Shen Xunyi stood up and looked at the two young boys with indignation. The young boys were so energetic that they leapt up to the top of the upper steps and made faces at Shen Xunyi.

Xia Qingshu was afraid that he would do something out of the ordinary and get him involved, so he excused himself to pee.

As soon as Xia Qing Shu left, Shen Xunyi sat down next to Xia Ji and complained, “Ah Ji, I’m so worried about Qing Shu, there are people watching him all the way, and these two boys, they dare to make advances in front of us even though they haven’t grown any hair yet, I think it would be better than being abducted by a wild man if……”

Xia Ji turned his head to look at him, “I told you, no.”

Xia Ji just sent Xia Yubin away. But in just half an hour, Shen Xunyi asked Qingshu to change his name from “Mr. Shen” to “Brother Xunyi”.

Along the way, Shen Xunyi was constantly looking for topics to talk to Qing Shu, asking him about his situation.

Qing Shu’s adoptive family was simple and he had very few friends since he was a child, almost as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

He knew that Shen Xunyi not only did not give up, but was even considering raising Qing Shu to his liking…

When Shen Xunyu was about to say more, Xia Ji’s face suddenly changed, “If you say more, I will immediately send you back home! I’ll go back with you!”

Shen Xunyi coldly snorted and turned away his face.

After Xia Qing Shu came back from the bathroom breaj, he felt that the atmosphere between Xia Ji and Shen Xunyi was a bit strange, but he didn’t ask anything and the three of them continued to walk up the mountain.

There was a lake halfway up the mountain. Many hotels and restaurants had been built next to the lake, and the cableway was also here. When they came up, they happened to meet a crew recording a variety show location here.

Xia Qing Shu was a bit curious, so he found a place with higher ground to hook his head and see, and when he did, he saw someone he knew.

In the distance, Wen Sheng was surrounded by a group of people. The guides around him were swirling around him. He had a gentle smile on his face and was the focus of the whole show.

Xia Qing Shu only looked at him casually, but when Wen Sheng saw him, his eyes lit up for a moment and he walked straight towards him, brushing aside the crowd.



“Qing Shu, what a coincidence.” Wen Sheng and Xia Qingshu greeted each other before he nodded politely to Xia Ji and Shen Xunyi as a greeting.

It was a weekday and there were not many visitors to Shijing Mountain, the middle-aged and elderly tour group had little interest in following the stars, and there were not many passers-by around, so Wen Sheng walked up to him easily.

“Brother Sheng, what a coincidence.”

Wen Sheng, as a special guest of an outdoor variety show, had a little while to go before the recording was finished.

Wen Sheng had been asking him out, and because of Xia Mei’s business, Xia Qing Shu had been unavailable, so today, since they had met by chance, Xia Qing Shu was prepared to wait for him to finish recording the show and then climb the mountain together.

Wen Sheng was very considerate and took Xia Qing Shu and his group to a makeshift artist lounge. Wen Sheng’s lounge was a separate room, with a simple but cozy interior that was not too crowded for three or four people. A small fridge was placed next to the sofa, filled with cold drinks.

There was a small TV right in front of the sofa, which was broadcasting their variety show live. When he saw the funny scenes of the artists, Xia Qing Shu held his drink and laughed “giggling”.

From the moment Wen Sheng appeared, Shen Xunyi had a black face the whole time, and the shadows above his head were almost materializing.

“What’s the relationship between him and Wen Sheng?” Shen Xunyi asked Xia Ji in a whisper.

“I don’t know.” Xia Ji asked rhetorically indifferently, “What’s it to you?”

“I’m worried for him.” Shen Xunyi argued in a suppressed voice, “He’s only been out for less than half a day, and look how many people he’s hooked up with!”

Xia Ji repeated once again, “Ayi, what’s it to you?”

Shen Xunyi: “Ah Ji, he’s your brother, aren’t you worried about him meeting bad people?!”

Xia Ji turned his head and looked Shen Xunyi up and down, “You do look like a bad guy.”

Xia Qing Shu was right next to him, so Shen Xunyi had to hold back even if he wanted to rage, looking anxious and angry, like a swan with its wings choked.

He watched carefully, when Wen Sheng appeared, Xia Qing Shu’s eyes shone brightly, as if they were jumping with musical notes.

He and Xia Qing Shu had an unusual relationship.

Shen Xunyi was a little anxious, his sense of smell was keen and with just one glance, he could see what Wen Sheng’s thoughts at a glance.

If Mr. Wu and the two high school students were not on his radar at all, then Wen Sheng’s appearance made him wary. Wen Sheng was not bad in all aspects, he could even be said to be very good, and he had a gentle personality and a movie star aura, so he was afraid that a boy like Xia Qing Shu, who was simple and had never seen the world, would be abducted in a few words.

After awhile, Wen Sheng came back and the show was not finished because when he walked towards Xia Qing Shu, the camera cut to him and after a glimpse, the barage kept mentioning him intermittently.

The next part was to invite passers-by to do a game session together, and the barrage were uniformly paced, asking Wen Sheng to get that pretty little brother.

“Do you want to try?” Wen Sheng asked in a soft voice.

Wen Sheng would never forcefully ask Xia Qing Shu to do something for sure, every time before making a decision, he would ask the other party’s opinion, and this time too, if Xia Qing Shu refused, he would not persuade him more.

Xia Qing Shu found it interesting when he watched the live broadcast and nodded his head in agreement.

“Qing Shu, then come with me.”

As soon as Xia Qingshu stood up, Shen Xunyi reached out to stop him in the center.

“What are you doing?”

Xia Qingshu pouted, somewhat dissatisfied. He didn’t know Shen Xunyi well at all, and Shen Xunyi wanted to stick his nose into everything about him.

Shen Xunyi stood up, patted the creases on his trousers and smiled, “Emperor Wen, does this show of yours have any requirements for the participants?”

Wen Sheng: “No.”

Shen Xunyi hooked his lips and smiled, “I also want to participate, is it okay?”

Saying that, he pulled a hand on Xia Ji who was sitting on the sofa, “Ah Ji, you come along too.”

The camera just cut to not only Xia Qing Shu, but also Xia Ji and Shen Xun Luo. Although there were many voices discussing Xia Qing Shu, the two tall and handsome men, Xia Ji and Shen Xunyi, were also spotted by the sharp-eyed viewers.

Shen Xunyi is well known in China, but he is from the north and the live viewers didn’t expect it to be him. They just thought it was a handsome little brother who looked like Shen Xunyi.

He offered to be on the show and the director was happy to see it.

The four of them were just about to set off when suddenly, the door was opened.

Chen Zhiyu appeared at the door, he walked in a hurry, so beads of sweat hang from the tip of his nose and heat radiating around him, “Since that’s the case, add me to the list.”



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