Chapter 61

Secretary Li felt that his boss was a bit crazy, and when he heard that Wen Sheng and Shen Xunyi were next to Xia Qing Shu, he couldn’t wait a moment and immediately took a helicopter to Shi Jing Mountain.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn’t even have time to change his clothes, so he climbed the mountain in a suit and leather shoes, and now he was even going to a live variety show.

As expected, people in love are capable of doing anything!

The director saw Chen Zhiyu, and was even more blissful. Shen Xunyi and Xia Qingshu were already a surprise, he did not expect that Chen Zhiyu would also take the initiative to participate. Heaven forbid if this show does not explode.

The director could already predict what kind of changes will happen to the barrage when these “passers-by” appear under the camera. The post-editing of the show can even sell for big bucks. Sure enough, it was the right thing to ask Wen Sheng to be the special guest.


When Wen Sheng appeared with Xia Qing Shu and his group, the anchors and stars present were stunned.

Why did Emperor Wen Sheng just go out and find four handsome ratios who can be regarded as the ceiling of human appearance.

When the four people appeared on camera, the barrage swarmed:

[This..this…is this a passerby? ? ! ! I really came to the world just to make up the numbers! ! 】

[Which training camp did this unscrupulous program team find these trainees? I’d like a dozen more of these handsome guys!

[Upstairs wipe your eyes. That’s Chen Zhiyu! My God, did this poor show crew win the lottery? !】

[Fuck, that’s Shen Xunyi of Beishen, …..and Chen Zunyi. The show crew must have found two people to fool us, right?]

[I f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck [a plant], it seems to be true! ! ! 】

【Really…has the Cat Claw Live broadcast company dug a mine?】

[I escaped from class to watch the live broadcast today, and I really made a lot of money! ! ]

This was the first live variety show that Cat Claw Live company had tried, inviting the most popular anchors from the company’s channels, as well as the captain of the hottest survival team LC. Because this was a new attempt, in order to raise awareness, the company spent a lot of money to invite Wen Sheng as the first guest.

The theme of this issue was “Is it really that easy to be an anchor?

The profession of anchor, has been mixed, social negative news, once mentioned the word anchor, people generally think of “vulgar”, “**”, “sex/porn”, “selling fake wine” and so on, but because of the high income and low entry threshold, ordinary people are fascinated by it. However, anchoring is actually just an ordinary profession, but it’s not easy to do a good. The next game was to invite artists and ordinary people to experience the business of anchoring together.

There are three big anchors in the room, the tall thin one called Ah Fat, he is a life anchor, his daily live content is to perform sitcoms, the passers-by just had to follow him to play.

Wen Sheng was smiling all the way, and did not show any resistance to the addition of Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunyi and others. With Chen Zhiyu’s understanding of him, he certainly did not hold good intentions. Chen Zhiyu was one step behind and followed after Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qingshu did not expect to meet Chen Zhiyu, his beautiful eyes widened round, “Brother Zhiyu, why are you here too?”

His voice was small, but it was full of surprise.

After the conversation with Chen Zhiyu in his room last night, Xia Qing Shu didn’t think much about it, and after a good sleep, he had almost forgotten about it. In his eyes, last night’s strange behavior of Chen Zhiyu is at best the aftermath of being possessed by his male virtue and heroic spirit. He didn’t understand it, and was too lazy to think about it.

Chen Zhiyu felt a little embarrassment at first, but after being looked at by such a pair of enthusiastic eyes, he immediately went back into the state, chatting with Xia Qingshu in a low voice, “There is a project on the mountain, and I just happened to be here, it’s really fate that we can meet each other like this. …”

Shen Xunyi walked at the front, and when he looked back and saw the two of them whispering, he coughed, “The camera is cutting over.”

Xia Qingshu hurriedly closed his mouth and blinked twice at Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu hooked his lips at him and fingered his phone.

Xia Qingshu nodded his head.

Shen Xunyi looked angry.

He wanted to change places with the passerby next to him but was rejected. He took a closer look and realized that the two passers-by next to him were the two high school boys from before.

How could the high school boys be willing to change when they were able to sit next to this pretty classmate and play games with him. The two of them talked to Xia Qingshu, and one of them even squeezed Shen Xunyi.

Shen Xunyi’s lungs almost exploded with anger.

The group of passers-by who came to experience the life of an anchor, all went to look at Xia Qingshu, and no one listened to the host’s rules of the game. Until the anchors stood up and the game started, the talents around Xia Qingshu had not heard a word.

The first anchor to appear was called Ah Fa, early twenties. The hair is very thin, neat watermelon skin bangs in front of the forehead. He wore a standard set of spiritual boys, elastic trousers with small feet, a tight suit, and a pair of trendy men’s beanie shoes. A very township nobleman style.

Ah Fa is the No. 1 anchor in the life category. After he appeared on the stage, before he introduced himself, he grabbed the microphone and started shouting hoarsely:

“This society is deceitful, and you think I’m bad for giving everything. The world is too full of grudges and grievances, and I am not worthy to swim with you!”

“I, Ah Fat, still want to fight for you once more in this life.”

After reading the poem, Ah Fat lifted a bottle of beer and opened it with his teeth, pouring it on his head and enjoying a beer rain with his eyes closed.

While drenching, Ah Fat howled vigorously.

After the rain of beer, Ah Fat looked heartbroken, kneeling on the ground, indulging in pain. And after crying, he threw away the beer bottle and roared for a second time while doing back-flips.

His back-flips was not the kind of graceful one-handed flip that is used in gymnastics, but his hands and head are used as support, and his legs are in a shape of a squat, and he flips back with a bang. Although the posture was strange, but the flip is very smooth, it looked like he got special training.

After the back-flips, Ah Fa’s face was covered with tears, and his voice gradually became painful, “Is there anyone who can wait for me to get up?”

Finally, Ah Fat lay on the ground twitching and convulsing.

The live broadcast ended.

Xia Qing Shu: “….”

What kind of folk art treasure is this?!!!


[F*ck, how big is the program team?]

[Hahahahahahahaha, I can’t laugh anymore, if I heard correctly, later a few passers-by will imitate the anchor’s performance, right?]

[I know this anchor, my grandmother likes him, she says he is a real man of character! It’s been a long time since she’s seen such a purebred infatuated guy!]

[You guys look at the most beautiful little brother on the side, his eyes are looking shocked.]

[Pretty little brother seems to be saying, “Where am I” “What am I going to do” “Am I on the wrong medication”, hahahahahaha!]

The passers-by present, except for Xia Ji, did not listen to the rules properly, and two high school students were clapping their hands in joy when they saw the anchor Ah Fa performing.

While the camera wasn’t filming him, Xia Qing Shu pointed to a puddle of beer on the ground and asked in a whisper, “Brother Zhiyu, do they want us to clean up the venue?”

Chen Zhiyu had never seen such a scene before, and he was a bit confused, but in front of Xia Qingshu, how could he say he didn’t know.

“It’s impossible for us to clean the grounds.” Chen Zhiyu thought about it, “These are anchors, such a performance is too vulgar, there is no audience, it should be for us to think of a way to improve the anchors.”

Xia Qingshu was confused and only felt that he had a point. He was afraid that he would be asked later and couldn’t answer, hoping to learn from others’ answers, so he pulled the hem of the other party’s shirt and asked quietly, “Brother Zhiyu, what is your recipe for improvement?”

He tilted his head with a serious expression. In his mind, a big entrepreneur like Chen Zhiyu is the “wealth code”, and a casual word from him could change Ah Fat’s life.

“It’s a little difficult.” Chen Zhiyu frowned.

He stared at Ah Fan, who was soaked to the bone, and after analyzing all aspects of the market economy behavior pattern, he concluded, “I advise him to change his career.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

When Ah Fat finished his performance, Wen Sheng, as the host, smiled and looked at the passers-by, “Have you all seen it clearly? It’s your turn to perform.”

Xia Qing Shu suddenly realized, “Zhiyu brother, so it is for us to perform …… watch then perform?”

His mouth was half open, his eyes were wide open, and his long, curly eyelashes were fluttering up and down, almost as if the word “doubt” was written on his face.

The director gave him a close-up.

[This little brother is so cute, he didn’t think he was going to perform, right?]

[Little cute was so frightened, his face was so pale, I really wanted to give him a big hug as a sign of comfort! ]

[Can the program team do something yang, scaring the little cute, my heart hurts!]

Wen Sheng looked at their surprised looks and asked with a smile, “Who wants to be the first to come up and perform?”

The two high school boys pulled Xia Qingshu and Xia Ji collectively took a step back, Chen Zhiyu, who had been paying attention to Xia Qingshu, also followed a step back.

Shen Xunyi was left standing alone at the front.

Wen Sheng smiled, “This friend, it is really courageous.” After saying that, he pushed Shen Xunyi to the front.

“May I ask what are your thoughts on this?”

Shen Xunyi: “……”

He looked back at the betrayers, turned his head back, and sneered at the camera, “How come Cat Claw Live hasn’t closed down yet?!”

When this statement was made, the director’s hand shook.

[Domineering and straightforward, love it love it!]

[? So, is Shen Xunyi  going to perform earthy for us next?]

[I want to see it!]

This kind of performance is called “earthy infatuation video”, and Ah Fa was not only the performer, but he is the also the  originator of the earthy video of the boy in pain act, as well as the inventor of the beer dousing.

He will perform this type of live broadcast every day in crowded areas. It looks simple but for the quality of the live broadcast, Afa will write copywrite scripts every day. And regardless of the performance, the details such as facial expressions, collapse degree, etc. will vary according to different situations. The script is always different.

After Ah Fa got angry, many people followed the trend. And in order to give the audience different stimulation, Ah Fa also tried Nutritious Express toppings, milk toppings, soy sauce vinegar toppings, flour toppings, Laoganma toppings…as long as the object could flow, it cannot escape the fate of being doused.

Shen Xunyi looked at the barrel of mineral water, beer bottles, aged vinegar, popcorn, beans, peas and soybeans placed on the table in front. His face turned dark.

Thinking of Shen Xunyi, a wealthy and luxurious noble who wears more than 7 figures playing the role of a boy with pain hurt by love, just like Ah Fa, and then pour the messy liquid objects on the table on his head, not only the audience, but Xia Qing Shu also had some vague expectations in his heart.

The director, however, was a bit anxious and kept giving Wen Sheng hand signals to switch.

Although Shen Xunyi, the Big Buddha, doing a beer topping will make viewership flow definitely explode, but he didn’t want to offend people, and he didn’t want to lose his job.

Wen Sheng nodded to the director, reassuring the other party.

Turning his head, he didn’t seem to understand the director’s meaning. Instead, he smiled and urged, and directly cueing to the next process, “Xunyi, you can choose whatever is on the table.”

Shen Xunyi stood without moving, he was considering whether to buy the Cat Claw entertainment and shelf it or to use the power of capital and let the Cat Claw live company be directly closed down.

What kind of garbage show is this fucking live company running. Such a company can make money?

Xia Qing Shu saw him standing still and desperately winked at him.

Shen Xunyi’s heart swelled, this is the first time Xia Qing Shu took the initiative to care about him. The little liar is not so heartless.

Xia Qing Shu’s pretty little eyes, winked at him and he raised his eyebrows. The tender red small mouth pouted up, glowing with a surplus of luster.

Shen Xunyi looked over towards him and nodded at him.

Xia Qing Shu saw the other party finally look over before pointing towards the center of the opposite table and said with his mouth shape – “popcorn”.

Xia Qingshu felt that this was Shen Xunyi’s best choice. Although the popcorn was sticky and might get on his hair, it was much better than those chili oil, beer, red wine and white wine, at least it wouldn’t stain his clothes. .

In fact, mung beans and red beans are also fine. After pouring, they can be recycled and reused, which is not a waste of food. However, the mung bean and red bean are too small in size, and it is easy to slip into the clothes and shoes, which is not easy to clean up.

Shen Xunyi: “……”

He sneered, heartless little liar, not only does not care about him, but also wants to see him make a fool of himself.

How could he Shen Xunyi make a fool of himself? He will not run away either, running away is not his rule of life.

He grabbed a large bottle of mineral water, carried it in his hand, and asked towards Ah Fat, “Where is my copy?”

Ah Fa handed him a small slip of paper.

Shen Xunlooyi ked at it twice and asked again, “Where is my lover? I can’t be made to act to the air, right?”

The beauty blogger standing next to him blushed and introduced herself, “Mr. Shen, may I have this honor to be your guest of honor?”

Shen Xun Shen shot a glance at her, “I like men.” After saying that, he looked around and swept his eyes over the passers-by.

Like he was choosing a concubine.

Chen Zhiyu body was on one side, half blocking Xia Qing Shu’s body.

The moment these words came out, the pop-up screen rose in all directions.

[Haha, this is the visual sense as the one who performed the earthy video! 】

[Almost thought I clicked into a dating show.]

[Choose that one, the pretty little brother on the far right.]

[I’m not sure why he feels familiar, but isn’t this Xia Qing Shu? He is my only legal wife on the net!]

[Upstairs stop arguing, your son’s earthy taste will start soon! ! 】

This time a total of three anchors came, in addition to Ah Fa, there was a female anchor, a male anchor.

Shen Xunyi didn’t say whom he chose, he hooked his lips and smiled evilly, unscrewed the mineral water bottle to the camera and raised it over his head.

The cold liquid cascaded down from the top of the head, flowing along over the handsome eyebrows, deep nose, sexy adam’s  apple. The front of the smoky gray sweatshirt was blotted, and the outline of a toned chest appeared. He moved handsomely, like a male actor in a commercial, with a single movement.

After dripping mineral water, he puffed out a mouthful of hot air, strolled up to Xia Qing Shu and recited his lines –

“I’m fighting the wind and rain in the city, and the only thing I can’t let go of is you. I used to work hard for my career, and now I want to work hard for you.”

After reading the lines, he reached up and wiped his wet bangs upwards, gazing at Xia Qing Shu with deep emotion.

[My God, is this earthy? ! It’s not earthy infatuation at all, and I actually feel it’s a little bit advanced! ! 】

[If the lines are slightly changed, I can, I really can! ! ]

[It turns out that the criterion for judging an earthy video is to look at the face! ! 】

[Promise him! Promise him!]

[The domineering nobleman and his nubile little beauty, oooooooooh, I let out a pig’s cry under the covers!!!]

After Shen Xunyi’s performance, he won a full house of applause and twice as many pop-ups, and because it was a live broadcast, and all kinds of rewards flew all over the screen.

When Shen Xunyi came towards him, Xia Qing Shu just froze for a moment and immediately returned to normal. He only thought it was for the effect of the show that Shen Xunyi read his lines to him.

Xia Qing Shu was experienced in filming in his previous life, not only did he not have stage fright, he even had a surprised expression on his face in order to cooperate with the other party.

A pair of beautiful eyes gazing straight at each other, eye waves flowing between, looking forward to the glory.

Shen Xunyi seems to be hooked on the proposal, and stared at Xia Qing Shu for good measure, the knot in his throat could not stop rolling up and down.

If it wasn’t for Wen Sheng and Chen Zhiyu there, Shen Xunyi would have hugged Xia Qing Shu into his arms.

The assistant handed over a towel, Shen Xunyi quickly dried his face and stood back up.

Xia Ji looked at him with a complicated expression.

The camera cut elsewhere, Shen Xunyi covered his face with the towel and whispered to Xia Ji, “Qing Shu likes me.”

Although the voice was deliberately low, it could not hide the excitement.

Xia Ji did not immediately refute.

As a bystander, he could see very clearly. Qinshu was born with a pair of passionate eyes. He is not deliberate, but the pair of beautiful eyes are always generating electricity, anyone who looks at it more than once will have bones get crispy.

Wen Sheng was like this, the two high school boys are like this, Chen Zhiyu, Shen Xunyi are also like this, even he, after he stared at him for a long time, was a bit overwhelmed.

There is also that soft voice, it sounds milky when calling someone. It is easy to make people reverie. However, his character is very simple, and he seems to be completely unaware of the next person’s thoughts. He is a pure white paper.

Shen Xun was delusional. But the timing was not right, he is not in a position to explain too much, slightly frowning towards him.

Shen Xunyi, however, just thought Xia Ji was jealous, patted him on the shoulder and squeezed it again when no one was looking as a pacification.

After the earthy video ended, Wen Sheng cued the next session according to the process, but Chen Zhiyu suddenly stood out, pointed to the flowing objects on the table and said in a cold voice, “I want to try it too.”

When Shen Xunzhi performed, Chen Zhiyu hair was hiding a sour taste. He knew that Xia Qing Shu was cooperating with the performance, but, that kind of expression, isn’t it one only he can have?

Wen Sheng smiled and refused, “Zhiyu, this session is over.”

Just now, when Shen Xunyi acted in the earthy style, the ratings reached a small high. The tide, the reward and pop-ups also doubled. Hearing that Chen Zhiyu volunteered to play, the director quickly held up a sign with the words “let him play” and shook it vigorously in front of Wen Sheng, wanting to slap Wen Sheng’s face.

Wen Sheng seemed to have not seen it, and with a suitable smile on his face, he continued to the next process.

“Next is the beauty anchor, Wei Wei.”

The host and the director’s instructions were different, and Wei Wei stood still, not knowing what to do.

Chen Zhiyu walked towards the front regardless, reached out and grabbed a bottle of soda, and turned back. He walked to Xia Qing Shu, opened it and then tilted his head and poured the cold sparkling water on his head. The water with bubbles rolled down his face.

He was wearing a white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned for the first time in history, and under the raised Adam’s apple was a sunken collarbone. Beneath his serious handsome face, hid a sexy body.

Because of the close proximity, a lot of bubbly water splashed on to Xia Qing Shu’s face and he could not help but close his eyes. The water droplets fell on the curly long eyelashes and could not stop the light trembling. The beautiful eyes were covered. Xia Qingshu closed his eyes, his mouth pouted a little, and his hands naturally fell to the seams of his trousers.

A look waiting for a kiss from his lover.

Chen Zhiyu had a moment of disorientation.

Sure enough, such an expression is exclusive to him.

“The old me was self-righteous and failed your heart, now I realize what’s inside, can you give me another chance?”

Chen Zhiyu finished, walked to Xia Qing Shu, gently pulled his small hand, and put the pull-ring of the can into his palm. His voice was low, with a magnetism that made people’s ears itch, and he spoke in a eloquent manner, wrapped in sincerity and affection.

Xia Qingshu opened his eyes, opened his palms, and saw the silver can ring. He only thought he was performing.

Xia Qing Shu raised his head, cracked his mouth and smiled, two small tiger teeth embedded in the mouth, cute and beautiful. He looked down, revealing his snow-white neckline, and held the pull ring in his hand again.

He thought to himself, “Brother Zhiyu is acting pretty well, so into it, he almost didn’t catch it.

At this time, he should reasonably raise his head and whisper “I do” as the end of this corny video.

Xia Qingshu was just about to make his next move when he was interrupted by Shen Xunyi in a loud voice: “I don’t agree!”

The barrage in the studio boiled over.

[I seriously doubt the identity of the owner of Cat Claw Live …… Can make the South Chen and  North Shen fight look so genuine, the appearance fee must be at least seven or eight hundred million, right?

[This is an act, right? This is an act, right? The program team is really working too hard! The climax is really one wave after another!]

[Fight! Fight!]

[Let me be fair, if I had money, I would also fight for him. My little Qinshu is so cute, stinky men get away! ! ]

[I think that neither of them is good enough for my Qinshu baby!]

[Didn’t Chen Zhiyu publicly announce that he wants to be single for the rest of his life? What’s the situation? I haven’t been online for two days, and the situation in China has changed? 】

[Silly, it’s acting. I have someone in the cat’s claw, they all have a script].

[ Upstairs, do you want to act too?]

Under the strong protest of Shen Xunyi, Xia Qingshu still smiled and accepted the pull ring sent by Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu winked provocatively at Shen Xunyi, completely ignoring the man’s angry stare.

He even kind of wanted to thank Shen Xunyi, who created this opportunity for him to confess his love.

Xia Qinshu accepted him in public.

Only he could capture Xia Qinshu’s heart.



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