Chapter 79


Xia Qingshu completely failed to grasp the extra layer of meaning in his words, and foolishly replied, “He came to invite me to watch a movie.”

Chen Zhiyu pounded his rolling pin on the flour and trailed off with a long emphasis, “Watching a movie, huh?”

Xia Qingshu glanced at him and found him pounding on the flour with his fist clenched.

The flour dough was kneaded into the shape of a head with some kind of writing on it, and then Chen Zhiyu punched it and the dough was smashed into a big dent.

After pounding the flour, Chen Zhiyu’s face was visibly stretched out in front of his eyes. He seemed to have fallen in love with this childish activity, happily kneading the flour into a ball, writing on it and then beating it.

The two of them were already making slow progress, and with such delays, the Xia family might really go hungry today.

Xia Qing Shu had always thought that he could not see through Chen Zhiyu. He was obviously a cold and ruthless boss, but why would he occasionally do things that seemed so childish and ruining his persona.

In the past, whenever Chen Zhiyu had inexplicably broken his persona, Xia Qing Shu had only thought that he was strange and would not think about it. Now, after careful consideration, it seems that a trace of logic could be found in Chen Zhiyu’s chaotic behaviour.

Not knowing whether he was right or not, Xia Qing Shu asked in a small voice, “Brother Zhiyu, are you jealous?”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”


He is the top of the Chinese cantaloupe rich list, how can he be jealous of Wen Sheng. He is not the kind of person who is jealous of the slightest thing because he is in love!

The dough in Chen Zhiyu’s hand was kneaded into a circle, and he pounded it down hard again.

He said firmly, “Yes.”

He was the “National Boyfriend” of China, and he would never be sneaky about it if he was eating vinegar, he would eat it openly and with integrity!

Chen Zhiyu was completely unaware that his inner personality had been completely split out of shape, and was particularly proud of himself after admitting it.

Qing Shu was so thin-skinned that he wouldn’t normally take the initiative to talk about such things, and it was not easy for him to take the initiative.

What does he need to save face for? Can he eat it?

Chen Zhiyu eyebrows drooped down, with the back of the hand against the chest, mouth flattened, with a kind of three-part forbearance, four-part aggrieved mixed with a three-part sour look. He stared blankly, “It’s hurting, it’s still uncomfortable…..”

Wiping the corners of his eyes with the hand that had just touched the ginger and garlic, for a moment, the eyes were full of hot tears.

Xia Qing Shu took two steps back, avoiding the other party’s approach, and explained in a small voice, “I rejected him.”

“Really?” Chen Zhiyu threw down the dough and tapped Xia Qingshu’s hand.


“How did you refuse?” Seeing that the other party did not resist, Chen Zhiyu’s fingers took a step forward and pinched the other party’s palm at intervals.

The thenar eminence was so fleshy that it looked like a freshly baked steamed bun, and it smelled hot and fragrant.

“I just refused.” Xia Qingshu was wrapping dumplings when hid small hand was suddenly squeezed and the spoon shook, spilling the meat filling.

“I want to know, how did you refuse?”

The other party’s face was as red as a tomato, and with a simple thought he could deduce what was said, it must have been something like “I’m sorry Wen Sheng, I don’t like you, the only person I like most in my life is Zhiyu. I’m sorry, I don’t like you.”

But he just wanted to hear it for himself.

“Qing Shu, tell me, will you, to put my mind at ease.” Chen Zhiyu shamelessly took out his phone, “If you don’t say anything, I’ll call and ask Wen Sheng.”

He really wanted to call, first to show off, second to declare his sovereignty, and third to beat up the underdog.

He is now making dumplings with Qingshu, and he couldn’t wait to post a photo to announce to the world.

The man who used to be like a monk to outsiders, suddenly waved up, the coconut wind couldn’t even stop him.

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

“Don’t fight, I’ll tell you.”

“Well, go on.” Chen Zhiyu put the phone on the cooking table and bent his eyes to look over.

It was a little disappointing that he couldn’t show off in front of his love rival, but it was okay to listen to Qinshu talk about love.

“He asked me to watch a movie, so I said I couldn’t go ……” Xia Qing Shu’s voice was getting smaller and smaller, “and also said I was pregnant ……”

“And?” Chen Zhiyu pricked up his ears, not hearing what he wanted to hear.

“Nothing more.” Xia Qingshu shook his head.

“Really nothing?” Chen Zhiyu was a little unrelenting.

He hadn’t said he liked him in front of Wen Sheng yet. It would have been best to hear a few words about Wen Sheng’s gloomy and grief-stricken look when he knew Qing Shu liked him.

“No, really!” Xia Qingshu replied firmly.

It was true that without saying a few words, Wen Sheng left on his own, neither tearing up nor pressing and pulling in an unsightly manner.

Probably cultivated people are like this, they can understand each other’s meaning in a few simple sentences, and even if they are rejected, they will still maintain the proper manners.

“He didn’t not pester you?” Chen Zhiyu was a little suspicious.

As a rule, he shouldn’t, the last time he and Wen Sheng ran into each other, Wen Sheng was very arrogant, and he and Wen Sheng were the same kind of person, he could easily glimpse at what Wen Sheng thought of Qing Shu with his toes and thumbs.

Wen Sheng, who seemed to have no desires, was very stubborn and would never show it easily if he was sad, and he even stated openly that he wanted to compete with him, so how could he withdraw so calmly?

There must be a fraud.

“No.” Xia Qing Shu glanced at him, a little impatient, “Why does it feel as if you want him to pester me?”

Xia Qingshu pouted, two pretty eyes narrowing as he squinted over.

The beauty frowned lightly, and instead of distorting his features, they were more animated. Chen Zhiyu was almost bewildered, ignoring the dissatisfaction in his eyes after being doubted.

“How could that be?!” Chen Zhiyu hurriedly coaxed, “Of course it’s best to let him retreat despite difficulties.”

Chen Zhiyu silently added in his mind, it is best he gets as far away as possible and never have to appear in front of Qing Shu again.

“That Wen Sheng person is very stubborn, I’m just afraid that he give up and continue to harass you, you’re pregnant with a baby now, what if you get stimulated?”

Chen Zhiyu suddenly remembered that Qing Shu had been standing with him in the kitchen for almost an hour, he hurriedly rushed to the living room, dragged a chair into the kitchen, and then pressed Qing Shu into the chair and sat down.

“You sit down.”

He had specifically looked up on the internet that after pregnancy, an enlarged abdomen would compress the chest cavity and the pregnant woman’s breathing would become rapid, especially in the middle and late stages of pregnancy.

He didn’t care about the baby or anything, but he was afraid of tiring Qing Shu out.

“Qing Shu, stop wrapping it up, let me do it.” Chen Zhiyu rolled up his sleeves and made a bold statement.

Xia Qingshu looked at a few crooked, meat-filled dumplings on the counter and laughed, “If I let you do it, our whole family will definitely go hungry tonight.”

Not to mention the appearance,  the quantity was not enough, according to Chen Zhiyu’s level of about ten an hour, wrapping an all-nighter would still not be enough for their family to eat.

“I can’t let you go hungry even if I’m hungry.” Chen Zhiyu didn’t feel embarrassed at all, “I’ll let you eat to your heart’s content tonight so I  will put my best foot forward.”

Xia Qingshu: “What about my parents and brother?”

Chen Zhiyu: “Isn’t there still an aunt at home?”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

Didn’t he say that he would make tonight’s meal alone?

“Then I’ll go get auntie.” Xia Qing Shu said and stood up.

Ever since Chen Zhiyu confessed his love, after spending a long time alone with him, Xia Qing Shu would always be a little embarrassed, and now that he was at home and there were still people around, he was afraid that his family would see some inappropriate actions by Chen Zhiyu.

“Don’t panic, it’s still early, you can watch me pack a few first.”

Chen Zhiyu pulled him to a sitting position and set the chair upright before turning around and leaning his back on the cooking table, facing Qing Shu.

When he was wrapping the dumplings, instead of looking at them, he stared straight at Xia Qingshu’s lips.

His lips were so small, but so fleshy, so red like an April cherry. A few more glances made him feel sweet inside, like sweet juice soaking into his heart.

“What are you looking at?”

“Nothing, I just think, you have a good looking mouth and you speak well.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Xia Qing Shu heard it out, it was a love story, or an earthy love sentence.

Xia Qingshu blinked and pretended not to understand him as he looked down and squeezed the dumpling skin in his hand.

The two of them were alone in the kitchen, no one came to disturb them for half a day, plus they had just touched hands and the other party didn’t seem to resist, Chen Zhiyu became more bold, “It’s red, is it lipstick?”

“…… Put on some lip balm.”

The autumn and winter in the city are very dry, after the winter, the heating was turned on at home. Qing Shu’s lips became a bit dry and cracked, the lip balm was something that Qi Xi forces him to apply. It was mint flavoured, cool and not sticky at all. After applying it a few times, his dry and cracked lips got better and he kept applying it.

“It looks good, can I taste it?” Chen Zhiyu smiled.

“Sure.” First time I’ve heard of someone wanting to taste lip balm. Xia Qingshu gave him a look, took out the lip balm from his pocket and handed it over.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t take it, his breathing got heavier and he lowered his voice, “Not that.” After saying that, he stared meaningfully at his lips.

Xia Qing Shu thought he would at most use an excuse that his hands were inconvenient and ask him to help him apply the lip balm, but he didn’t expect him to make such a request.

“Behave yourself, this is the kitchen!” Xia Qingshu’s face was red with juice as he threw the dumpling into his hands, unwilling to wrap it anymore.

Chen Zhiyu obviously didn’t find the point and asked rhetorically, “Is it okay to go back to your room later ……”

Getting an inch is normal, and the corners of Chen Zhiyu’s mouth were now turning up to the sky.


“Which means what?”

“…… It means I disagree.”

“Oh.” Chen Zhiyu took it in stride and continued to bury his head in his efforts to struggle with the dumplings. He had no talent for making dumplings, but he was also greedy, and keeping in mind the idea of thin skin and lots of meat, he tried his best to stuff the dough with meat filling, and the dumplings he made were all miserable.

After wrapping each one, he asked Qingshu to grade it.

Xia Qing Shu found it amusing and slowly let his guard down.

Chen Zhiyu kneaded a small boat with flour, squatted down, placed the boat in front of Qing Shu’s stomach and whispered, “Hello baby, I’m your daddy Chen Zhiyu, its our first time meeting, please advise me.”

“Qing Shu, is it hard to carry the baby?”

Xia Qingshu thought for a moment, “No, it’s not hard.”

He slept a lot and threw up a few times at first, but after that he didn’t have any other reactions.

“Right, Qing Shu, the baby is more than four months old but I haven’t seen it yet, let me see it later?”

Xia Qingshu touched his stomach, “How do you want to see it?”

Chen Zhiyu’s gaze gradually deepened, “You can show it to me in whichever way you want.”


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