Chapter 80:


When they learned of Chen Zhiyu’s arrival, Xia Jing, Xia Shan and Xia Ji went home early.

Xia Jing was the first to return, and when he found out that the two were in the kitchen, he quietly went to the kitchen door. The kitchen had a sliding door with transparent glass, so when he stood at the door, he could see Qing Shu sitting inside and Chen Zhi Yu standing in front of the cooking table, wrapping dumplings.

As soon as Xia Jing arrived, Xia Qing Shu saw him in the corner of his eye and immediately became serious.

Chen Zhiyu also saw him, so he bent down and asked, “Qing Shu, didn’t you just say your calves were sore? Let me give you a squeeze.”

It was a good opportunity to show off in front of his father-in-law.

Before Xia Qing Shu could react, Chen Zhiyu was already squeezing his calves.

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He suspected that he was doing it on purpose.

Xia Jing opened the door, looked at the messy kitchen, and a few dumplings that were not up to par, sighed, “Zhiyu, come out, let auntie wrap them.”



In front of Xia Jing, Chen Zhiyu was very disciplined. He washed the flour off his hands and sat down in the parlour.

Without even exchanging pleasantries, Xia Jing asked straightforwardly, “Zhiyu, is it true that you want to be join the Xia family?”

“Yes, father-in-law.” Chen Zhiyu said, “I will bring all the assets of the Chen family and come to the house sincerely, just to be with Qingshu.”

The Chen family’s assets were not a small amount, but Xia Jing did not waver at all, frowning and waving his hand, “You call me Uncle Xia.”

Chen Zhiyu bowed his head slightly and lowered his tone a few notches, “Yes, father-in-law.”

The younger generation had already made a low gesture and Xia Jing could not bear to be harsh, “Do your parents agree?”

Chen Zhiyu: “I’m an adult and can make my own decisions, I only take what I earned, theirs is out of my hands.”

When Xia Jing thought of Chen Rao’s character, he only felt a headache, “Tying the knot is a matter for two families, let’s not talk about whether our Xia family is willing to accept you, first of all your Chen family must be of the same opinion.”

If Qingshu and Chen Zhiyu are together, the parents hope that their marriage will be blessed by the family. Many marriages eventually split, and the trigger is not the relationship of the young couple, but family factors account for a large part.

Just because Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing can’t influence Chen Zhiyu now doesn’t mean they can’t influence him in the future, people change.

Qing Shu is young and does not understand many things, so as an elder, he must help him grasp the most important hurdle.

Chen Zhiyu thought for a moment and said firmly, “Father-in-law, you can rest assured about this, I will convince my parents and I assure you that Qing Shu will not suffer a single bit of grievance in front of the Chen family.”

Xia Jing knew Zhiyu’s background very well. Chen Rao was stubborn and Chen Qianxing was weak. It was not easy for him to grow into what he is today. But this is not an easy matter, and it will not make Xia Jing soft.

On the contrary, he was more than a little hostile towards Chen Zhiyu. Although Qing Shu was a boy, Xia Jing had a feeling at the moment that the cabbage had been humped by a pig.

The prickliness had to be there.

“Tell me, what exactly do you like about Qing Shu?” Xia Jing stared into his eyes, “Do you like him because he’s good looking?”

Chen Zhiyu didn’t deny it as he nodded, and smiled a little. At first, he was indeed attracted by Qing Shu’s appearance.

He was used to seeing beauties, and beautiful skin was simply worthless in his eyes. But he was uniquely attracted to Qinshu. He would think of his appearance, and  smile, without realising it he felt at ease whenever he thought of him.

He was certain that his feelings for Xia Qinshu were those of love for his lifelong partner, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

“It’s not just his looks, I love his kindness, his cheerfulness, some of his unexpected ideas, everything about him I love.”

Before he met Qingshu, his parents’ expectations had put him off intimacy, and as a young man he even had lofty ambitions of being single for the rest of his life.

After meeting Qing Shu, however, he was desperate to have an intimate relationship, an intimate relationship with Qing Shu.

Xia Jing would not be touched by a few simple words, and promises in love are the most unreliable, “As far as I know, Qing Shu used to be a bit afraid of you, and was always a bit uncomfortable in front of you. Now he’s with you but it’s a bit unnatural to get along with you.”

“I was too serious in the past, I will definitely correct that in the future.” Chen Zhiyu smiled, “Now he is shy, he is always shy.”

Xia Jing: “……”

“Do you know Qing Shu’s hobbies? Do you understand what he wants?” Xia Jing’s serious voice echoed in the parlour, “Don’t you think that your specialness in front of Xia Qinshu is because of the baby?”

“Maybe you’re nothing in Qinshu’s eyes apart from being the child’s father.”

“Even so, do you still insist on coming to our door?”

“Zhiyu, think carefully, a son-in-law at home is not that simple. In the future your children will be surnamed Xia, your money, your business, your company ……all of it will be owned by our Xia family.”

Chen Zhiyu was not deterred, his eyes were very firm: “Father-in-law, even if this is the case, I am still willing, you believe me, I will treat Qing Shu well.”

Xia Jing had just seen Chen Zhiyu squeezing Qing Shu’s calves and knew that Chen Zhiyu wanted to show that his goodness to Qing Shu. But a man’s goodness is the cheapest thing in this world.

Because this “goodness” not only does not require any payment, but also can change at any time. When a man doesn’t treat you well anymore, you will have nothing, only real money in your hands is the most important thing.

Xia Jing had come here ready to fight for Qing Shu, “In our Xia family, the son-in-law of the family cannot be in charge of the financial power.”

Chen Zhiyu didn’t even think about it, “Father-in-law, I am willing to hand over the financial power to Qing Shu.”

Xia Jing: “……”

What he had just said was just a test, again as a man with a small success in his career, he didn’t think Chen Zhiyu would give up everything just to be with the one he loved.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zhiyu didn’t even think before answering in the affirmative. He was really willing to give up everything just to be with Qing Shu.

After learning that Qing Shu was pregnant, Xia Jing was always furious, but now, he was a little shaken.



Over here, Xia Shan and Xia Ji were talking to Qing Shu.

Xia Ji: “Chen Zhiyu is here?”

Xia Shan smiled, “Said he was going to make us a meal of dumplings.”

“Will he?” Xia Ji snorted, “Qing Shu, don’t accept him so easily, men are cheap by nature, the easier it is to get something the less you cherish it. Don’t think that just because he is the father of a child he can enjoy the privilege, he must undergo our harsh test……”

Xia Qing Shu asked stupidly, “What test?”

Xia Ji: “I’ll make a charter for him to sign and pledge, then go have it notarized. First he must learn to cook, let him continue to come over and finish the dumplings, let Auntie rest. If he can’t wrap dumplings, won’t Qing Shu go hungry in future him if he follow him.”

Qing Shu: “…… Brother, it’s better to let auntie come, let her do the wrapping, or our whole family will go hungry.”

Xia Ji frowned, “Qing Shu, you’re starting to help him now?”

Qing Shu: “…… I’m not.”

Xia Ji held his shoulders, “Qing Shu, if you’re embarrassed, I’ll go and speak for you, let him learn the complicated dishes slowly later. Let him make a four-course meal first today.”

“Brother will teach you how to discipline him, people who are good are bullied, you are going to be eaten up by him if you are so nice, you need to be fierce.”

Qing Shu: “Second brother, you talk, I’ll write it down.”

Xia Shan was afraid that Xia Ji would give Qing Shu some bad lessons and took him by the shoulders, “Ah Ji, don’t get involved, let Qing Shu think for himself.”

Xia Ji pointed to the mess of “big pies” in the kitchen, “Look, is that human food?”

Xia Shan laughed, “We all grew up together, who doesn’t have an aunt or two at home to cook for, all he needs to do is be considerate.”

Xia Ji: “Considerate? Qing Shu, later on you can let him wash your feet and frustrate him, see if he Is willing!”

Qing Shu: “……”

In the end, they let Auntie take the lead and the family had dumplings in the evening.

It was easy to tell which dumplings were made by Chen Zhiyu and which ones were made by the Auntie.

Xia Ji served all the badly wrapped dumplings to Chen Zhiyu’s bowl, the wrinkled skin and meat separated in the bowl, “Our Xia family’s rule is that whoever wrapped the dumplings, must eat them.”

Chen Zhiyu sat next to Xia Qing Shu and gently touched him with his leg, “I abide by your family’s rules.”

Xia Ji: “……”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

Xia Qingshu made a little red face, shut up and ate the dumplings, not saying anything.


After the meal, Chen Zhiyu followed Xia Qingshu back to his room, his father-in-law didn’t object, but they couldn’t close the door. When there were no outsiders, Xia Qingshu was slightly more at ease.

Just now Second brother had taught him a lot, telling him not to be too soft or he would be bullied. When he thought about it, it was Chen Zhiyu who was now begging to come to the door, he was the young master of the Xia family, and now in the Xia family, he had his family to back him up.

Xia Qing Shu deliberately put on a stern face, “What did my father say to you?”

“Said something about the dos and don’ts of being a son-in-law at home.” Chen Zhiyu swept the doorway, found no one there, and followed behind Qing Shu.

Xia Qingshu was a little surprised, “My dad he agreed?”

Chen Zhiyu nodded like a little wife, “Mm-hmm, father-in-law said that he will agree to our marriage when I give you authority over all my properties.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

“My father really said that?”

“Really, if you don’t believe me, go ask.”

“You agreed?!”

“Mm-hmm.” Chen Zhiyu took his small hand and sat on the edge of the bed, pressing his voice, “Qing Shu, I’m giving it all to you without reservation, you can’t bully me.”

Xia Qingshu glanced at him, somewhat in disbelief.

If the entire Chen Group was handed over to him, how much money would that be? The assets of the Chen Group were all measured in billions.

He had never felt before that Chen Zhiyu was so easy to compromise with!

Having his father and brother as his backing was really different.

Xia Qingshu hooked Chen Zhiyu’s chin, a little smug, “As long as you’re good, I’ll give you pocket money.”

After saying that, he snickered in his heart, as if he was forcing good deeds onto the big bad prostitute, so exciting.

Chen Zhiyu was very cooperative, “Mmmmm, I will serve Young Master Qingshu well.”

After saying that, he cupped Qing Shu’s head and moved up, and kissed Qing Shu on his forehead, “Master, is this good?”

Confused by his soft gesture, Xia Qingshu nodded his head, “Not bad.”

If he had a tail behind him, it would have wagged by now.

Chen Zhiyu lifted his face and imprinted a kiss on his cheek, “How about this?”

Xia Qingshu gradually sensed that something was wrong, “Mmmmmm, that’ll do.”

Chen Zhiyu breathed a little heavier, “No, it’s not enough.” With that, he gave another kiss on the other cheek.

The warm, moist lips left at the first touch, and Xia Qingshu’s face couldn’t help but blush. His heartbeat quickened and he braced his hands on the other’s chest, “That’s enough, it’s okay.”

Chen Zhiyu’s face changed, the weakness he had just felt swept away, “That won’t work, what if Father-in-law blames me later?”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

“You, how do you want to serve?”

The knuckled fingers pressed up, and the bright red lips were slightly distorted by the pressure, revealing half of the snow-white teeth.

The moist lips were red, looking even more enticing

Xia Qing Shu squeezed on the wrist holding him in place and shyly twisted his head, but still not avoiding the other party’s attack.

“You …… “The moment his lips were sealed, Xia Qing Shu had the feeling of falling into a trap.

How can you serve someone like this.

A faint smell of mint came to his face, wrapped in the scent of tobacco and the cool, sweet taste of his tongue.

The other party had obviously come prepared.

The door to the room was wide open, Xia Qing Shu’s heart was racing, his brain was blank, and his eyes had nowhere to rest.

It was only when the low voice rang in his ears that he came back to his senses.

“Qing Shu, did I serve you well?”


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