Chapter 83


When Chen Zhiyu came to the door for the first time, the two of them were locked in the house as soon as they arrived. It was really not good. So, Chen Qixi asked everyone to go to the living room to watch TV, chat about everyday things, and get to know each other to enhance their relationship.

The men of the Xia family sat down in the living room in advance.

As Chen Zhiyu’s best friend for many years, Xia Shan sent a message to Chen Zhiyu in advance so that he could be prepared.

After washing his feet, Xia Qing Shu looked like a steamed shrimp, not only red but also juicy. Chen Zhiyu helped him dry his feet and put on clean cotton socks.

Xia Qing Shu put on his slippers by himself with a stomp of his little legs.

“Brother Zhiyu, let’s go downstairs, my parents should be waiting.”

Chen Zhiyu was so powerful that he was soaked through. He felt that if he was alone with the other party, he would eventually turn into a puddle of juice. He missed the days when Zhiyu was foolish enough to be tricked by him. Back then, all he had to do was pretend to be stupid and he could fool Zhiyu around.

But ever since he confessed his love, he’s become a different person. Not only has he become shameless, but he would be rubbed even worse for pretending to be stupid.

He is obviously a meticulous and ascetic CEO, but how can he be like this in private?

Xia Qing Shu put on his slippers and shuffled to the door, breathing in the air outside the door, like a fish plunging back into the water, coming to life at once.

“Brother Zhiyu, let’s go, what are you standing there for?”

The man who had just been flirting with Xia Qing Shu in front of Xia Ji stood in the middle of the room, his body slightly stiff, “I came in a hurry and forgot to buy a present.”

When he came he was so intent on showing off his industrious side, cooking and washing his wife’s feet, that he forgot the most basic of manners.

What kind of person would come to the house empty-handed for the first time and really think of himself as a superfluous son-in-law?

Xia Qingshu cocked his head and spoke out to remind him, “Brother Zhiyu, we have already had a meal, you’ve been at my house for hours ……”

Wouldn’t it be too late to remember now?

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

Chen Zhiyu took out his phone and called Secretary Li, “I’ll have Secretary Li bring the gifts over right away.”

The company warehouse always had gifts on hand, so there was no need to deliberately go shopping, just send them over directly. Chen Zhiyu looked at the time and it would be done in half an hour.

So the two stayed in the room for another half an hour, and only after receiving a call from Secretary Li did they go downstairs.

The two walked side by side down the stairwell. The Xia family’s house was a bit old, and the staircase was one of those revolving staircases, with a wall lamp lit on the wall, dragging the shadows of people long and thin.

Xia Qing Shu took a few steps and suddenly felt that the person beside him had disappeared. When he turned around, he found Chen Zhiyu standing at the corner of the stairs, straightening his collar.

“Brother Zhiyu, what are you doing?”

Chen Zhiyu buttoned up the top button of his shirt and returned to being that noble and cold reserved gentleman, “I’m tidying up my appearance.”

When he was wrapping the dumplings earlier, his shirt was crumpled up and the cuffs were a little wrinkled. He smoothed out the cuffs and buttoned them one by one.

Xia Qingshu was wearing a cotton housecoat, and after messing it up he just casually tugged at it twice, making it look particularly undignified compared to Chen Zhiyu.

Xia Qingshu covered his mouth and laughed: “Brother Zhiyu, you look like a young wife on her first visit.”

He relied on his brothers and father to back him up and laughed unrestrainedly.

Chen Zhiyu lowered his eyes and smiled lightly, the edge of his mouth curved up, his voice had a hint of repeatedly winding huskiness, “The little wife wants a kiss to strengthen his courage.”

Xia Qingshu’s cheeks, which had easily gone cold, burned up again.


In the parlour, Xia Jing sat in seat C. To his left sat Xia Shan, second to his left sat Xia Ji, and the seat on the right was vacant, obviously for Chen Zhiyu.

Seeing Chen Zhiyu enter, the three men’s backs straightened slightly, giving a feel of a three-chamber trial.

Xia Qing Shu had a dumbfounded feeling when he entered.

This was too formal.

He looked around the room and was pulled by Chen Qixi to sit opposite Xia Shan.

“Father-in-law and mother-in-law, big brother and second brother.” Chen Zhiyu finished his greeting and sat down on Xia Jing’s right hand side.

Xia Jing gave him a glance and nonchalantly sipped his tea, “Don’t call so intimately, the relationship hasn’t been formally established yet.”

Chen Zhiyu responded in kind, “Yes, Uncle Xia.”

Xia Jing put down his teacup in satisfaction and wondered, “You came empty-handed today?”

Before Chen Zhiyu could say anything, Xia Qing Shu snitched, “No, the gifts were left at the door, I just looked at them, a whole bunch of them.”

Xia Jing did not make a sound.

Qing Shu speaking up in defense was much more effective than Chen Zhiyu pulling a cart full of presents.

“We’re all family, don’t break the bank too much.”

To be honest, Chen Zhiyu was excellent in every way, the only bad thing was his family. But the factor of family was not a choice he could make either, it was all about the child he had watched grow up. Xia Jing looked at Xia Shan and did not say anything.

Xia Shan was already good friends with Chen Zhiyu, and when he first heard about Chen Zhiyu and Qing Shu, he did get a little angry, but then the misunderstanding was cleared up and he secretly rejoiced for a while after learning that it was just Chen Zhiyu’s overwhelming narcissism.

Now that his best friend had taken the initiative to lower his stance, even doing something like coming to be a door to door son in law, he believed he would treat Qing Shu well.

Xia Shan didn’t give him a hard time, and laughed and chatted about a few interesting things in his life recently.

Xia Ji had just made Chen Zhiyu wash Qing Shu’s feet, so he couldn’t really find anything to make things difficult at this time, but he had to say a few words, “Zhiyu, what is the opinion of aunt and uncle Chen?”

Chen Zhiyu said in a warm voice, “My mother also likes Qing Shu very much, she just needs to pick an auspicious day.”

Xia Ji obviously didn’t believe him, “Have you taken Qing Shu to see aunt and uncle?”

Chen Zhiyu was a little hesitant. He had met her, but not officially. He hadn’t taken Qing Shu to meet, but Qing Shu had met with them privately.

Chen Rao should not have a problem with his marriage to Qing Shu, but he was afraid that Chen Rao would interfere with the child’s affairs.

Chen Rao is old-fashioned and stubborn, and he used to let it go because he hadn’t considered marriage. Chen Rao had been left to her own devices and she went wild in her schemes but he had remained unmoved.

But now with Qing Shu, the situation has changed and he has to step in to deal with it. He is afraid that Chen Rao will turn around and say the wrong thing to make Qing Shu suffer.

“…… he has seen.”

“How did they meet, what was the attitude of your parents, that idea of having a son to inherit the family business better not be mentioned in front of Qing Shu.” Xia Ji saw the other party hesitate and urged twice, “Your family’s situation seems simple but complicated, I don’t want Qing Shu to be aggrieved.”

Xia Qingshu snapped, “I’ve met aunt and uncle and they all like me quite a lot.”

Especially the child in his belly.

“Don’t worry, Second Brother, aunt Chen is very good to me.”

She did offer five billion, right?

He had met Chen Rao a few times and knew that the other party had no bad intentions, just a bit of a horse catcher.

Recalling the previous few encounters where Chen Rao seemed to be so angry with him that her chest hurt, Xia Qing Shu could guarantee that he would not be bullied in front of Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing.

Instead, he should be worried that Chen Rao would be so angered  by him and would get sick.

Now that he was pregnant, there were ways to hold Chen Rao.

Xia Qingshu himself stood up to refill his father and brother’s water, “Alright, alright, you guys are acting like you’re interrogating a prisoner, say something else.”

Xia Ji gave Qing Shu one wink after another. His brother was too soft-hearted, always defending this Chen Zhiyu guy, he didn’t even feel comfortable leaving.

Xia Jing spoke up, “In that case, let’s pick a day for the two families to formally meet. Don’t say such words as son-in-law, you should go home and discuss it with the elders.”

Xia Qing Shu laughed, “Dad, you’re the one who knows what’s right.”

Xia Ji looked at his brother. So happy to marry himself off?

Xia Ji cleared his throat, “Zhiyu, did you understand what dad said?”

Chen Zhiyu responded, “Yes, I understand.”

Seeing Xia Ji’s wrinkled brows, Xia Qing Shu knew he had a long speech to make, so Xia Qing Shu took the initiative to sit next to him and turned on his phone, “Second brother, you come and help us pick the date.”

Xia Ji was a little flattered by the sudden assignment, and he deferred, “Such an important matter should be left to Dad to decide, I can’t.”

Qing Shu murmured in a small voice, “I just want Second Brother to pick the day.”

His voice was low, with a hint of disappointment. Out of Xia Ji’s line of sight, Qing Shu blinked hard at Xia Jing.

Xia Jing sighed, “Ah Ji, just help Qing Shu choose.”

Xia Ji smiled helplessly and stood up, “I’ll go get the yellow calendar and we’ll pick a date together.”

After Xia Ji went out, Xia Qingshu winked quietly at Chen Zhiyu and made another “ok”.

Chen Zhiyu was amused by his sly look and his tense nerves relaxed at once.

When the yellow calendar came back, Xia Ji called Qing Shu, “Let’s have a look.”

Xia Qingshu cocked his head, his face full of curiosity, “Second brother, tell me what to choose.”

Xia Ji flipped through the recent days, “It’s best to choose the weekend, as everyone has to work during the week but they are free on the weekend, so there are more people.”

Xia Shan spoke up, “Weekdays are fine, I can take time off.”

Xia Ji glanced at Xia Shan, the traitor, and his tone was a little unkind, “I know you can take time off, what if the others have urgent matters?”

Xia Ji was somewhat old-fashioned, his family rarely saw him smile, Chen Qi Xi deliberately teased him, “Your father can also take a leave of absence.”

Xia Ji was a bit downhearted when Chen Zhiyu suddenly spoke up, “I’ll listen to second brother, this is a good arrangement for second brother.”

Xia Qingshu glanced at him.

Oh, he’s still kissing ass.

Xia Ji’s face looked slightly better as he continued to explain for Qing Shu, “Check the weekend and we’ll see which day is appropriate for the engagement and marriage.”

Xia Qingshu followed his instructions and took a look, the next day was Saturday, “It is appropriate to get married, get engaged, decorate, enter a house, get a license and break ground.”

“Second brother, tomorrow is a good day.”

Xia Ji frowned, “Tomorrow is not so good, flip back further.”

He deliberately wanted to delay it, how could he let Chen Zhiyu get Qing Shu so easily?!

Finally flipping to a month later, Xia Ji pointed at the red yellow calendar book, “I think this day will do.”

Chen Zhiyu secretly gave a look to Xia Shan, who understood, “I think tomorrow is good, I have nothing to do tomorrow, it’s early and coincidental.”

Xia Ji didn’t want to talk to Xia Shan, the traitor, and just said to Qing Shu, “This day is good, it’s only a month apart, plenty of time to prepare properly, Zhiyu, what do you think?”

Chen Zhiyu responded in a low voice, “Second brother is right.”

Xia Ji raised an eyebrow at Xia Shan in triumph.

Having the approval of the person in question, Xia Shan could not insist.

Chen Qixi had also felt that Xia Ji was right, tomorrow was too hasty and not good, a month to take their time to prepare was best, their Xia family’s first wedding, it had to be a lively affair.

Xia Qing Shu looked up and saw Chen Zhi Yu looking at him.

With sharp eyebrows and a high nose, Chen Zhiyu was an aggressive appearance. But at that moment, the eyes that looked at him had more than a little childishness.

His eyelids were slightly drooping downwards, like a small child who had been wronged and could not identify himself. The look in his eyes revealed stubbornness and helplessness.

Qing Shu instantly understood that Brother Zhiyu had already set his sights on tomorrow, he just couldn’t quite ask.

“Second brother, just tomorrow, okay?” Xia Qingshu deliberately puffed up his stomach, touched it and sighed, “Second brother, I’ve been feeling so tired lately.”

It was then that the Xia family came back to their senses. Qing Shu was pregnant, almost five months old, although he still looked small and did not look pregnant at all.

In the second trimester, Qing Shu was more prone to fatigue. It was better to do this sooner rather than later.

Xia Ji couldn’t help but change his mind, “Tomorrow then.”

Chen Zhiyu lowered his eyes, and a warm current rushed through his heart.

The men in the Xia family were not looking at him kindly, and were even a little cold, but he felt warm and fuzzy inside. No matter how harsh the words from their side were, as long as Qing Shu said one for him, it would be enough.



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