Chapter 84:


The next day, before dawn, there was movement in the Xia family. Xia Jing and Chen Qixi were getting old, and they didn’t sleep very well, so they were up early.

“Qi Xi, aren’t we meeting the in-laws so soon?” Xia Jing sighed, “Isn’t it too urgent?”

It had only been less than a week since they found out Qingshu was pregnant and that the baby was Zhiyu’s, then suddenly they had to meet the parents, as if they were in a hurry.

He originally wanted to delay it, even if the baby was born and they raised it, it didn’t matter, he didn’t want Qingshu to get married so soon.

Chen Qixi had a mask on her face and was rubbing body lotion on it, she paused, “I don’t want to either, but I can see that Zhiyu is sincere and most importantly, Qing Shu likes him too.”

Xia Jing sighed, “Yesterday we hadn’t even done anything with Zhiyu, and already Qing Shu was defending him. I’m afraid Qinshu will be bullied. We should let the two of them live at home after the wedding, because the house is big enough to accommodate them. We can also help look after Qing Shu while he’s pregnant, and we can help with the baby when it’s born.”

“Don’t make up your mind, young people are so opinionated nowadays.” Chen Qixi plucked at him, “I think although Zhiyu said that he was willing to be a son-in-law, he still wants to live in a two-person world with Qingshu. After a young couple gets married, they start a new family, and it’s the time when honey is “mixed in oil”. I’m just afraid that Zhiyu would not be careful and would be injure Qingshu and the baby.”

“Then I’ll have to give Zhiyu a good talking to later.” Xia Jing thought for a moment, “Zhiyu is a very meticulous person, so maybe the wedding house is already prepared.”

Before six o’clock, Xia Jing was already dressed, Chen Qi Xi urged him, “Husband, I still have a while to go, you go and see if the boys are up.”

She had to meet Chen Rao today, and she had to put on a makeup that would be stunning, but not showy. It was a big job, and she had to take her time.

Xia Jing went out to see that his two sons were already up, Xia Shan was in his room trying on clothes and changing his tie, Xia Ji was taking a bath, Xia Jing was satisfied, turned to Qing Shu’s door, found that Qing Shu was still sleeping and left again with a light step.

Xia Qing Shu slept very restlessly at night, the baby always kicked him in the middle of the night as the months got older. He wondered if he was pregnant with a baby who liked to get up in the middle of the night to dance.

What would he do if he gave birth to a baby who didn’t sleep in the middle of the night?

Luckily, the baby only kicked twice in the middle of the night, but after that, he didn’t move anymore.

He sat up in a daze, rubbed his eyes and suddenly remembered that he had a big day ahead of him.

He was going to officially meet his in laws!

He hurriedly got up, washed up and put on the little suit Chen Qixi had prepared for him. Once he was ready, he went downstairs and saw that Chen Qixi and Xia Jing were all ready. The family was dressed up in pearly whites, obviously well prepared.

Xia Qing Shu was a little embarrassed to have kept his family waiting for so long, “Sorry to keep you waiting, let’s get going.”

Chen Qixi crossed her legs like an elegant noblewoman, “Qing Shu, you eat your breakfast first, take your time, we’re not in a hurry.”

They couldn’t make it seem like they were in a hurry to get married, they had to let the Chen family urge them at least three times before they would move.

“Let them wait a little longer, and examine the other party’s patience by the way.”

After saying that, Chen Qixi instructed the aunt to bring breakfast. Xia Qing Shu obediently sat down to eat and secretly sent a message to Brother Zhiyu.

He hadn’t finished eating when Xia Lao Er’s family also arrived. In any case, Xia Lao Er was also Qing Shu’s adoptive father, and it was important to inform him of such an important matter as meeting his in laws.

Xia Lao Er was honest and simple, and when he suddenly heard that Qing Shu was getting married and would be meeting his in-laws, he excitedly dragged his whole family over.  Old man Xia’s family also followed for the big event of Xia Qingshu. Although they were usually out spoken, they were as weak as quails in front of the real gentry.

Chen Qixi felt that there were enough people to be imposing, and after scaling Old Man Xia’s family for awhile, she was ready to take them along. The Chen family would see that their Xia family is thriving and they are all backed by Qing Shu.

When Xia Qingshu finished his breakfast and was ready to go, he was shocked to find that so many people were following him.


Not only the Xia family got up early, the Chen family also got up before five o’clock.

The last time Chen Rao was crushed by Chen Qixi and had no way to fight back. This time, she had to wear a makeup that was both dignified and beautiful, as though she was standing on top of a snowy mountain.

After putting on makeup and changing clothes, the family of three sat in the living room and waited.

From seven thirty to ten o’clock, there was no movement.

Chen Rao sat until her butt was numb and finally made the first call to Chen Rao at 10:15 .

When she learned that the Xia family would come with a dozen people, Chen Rao felt that she had already lost half of the battle. Compared to the lively and prosperous Xia family, Chen’s family was much thinner, so she brought Chen Zhiyu’s horse-son and their cat into the living room.

Chen Zhiyu watched his mother fiddle around, “Mum, the horse better not be led inside the room, it smells.”

Chen Rao: “Where’s the smell? He just took a bath and smells good. Zhiyu, what are you going to do again?”

Chen Zhiyu put down the tablet in his hand, “I’m going to change my jacket, the cuffs on this one are a bit pilling.”

Chen Qianxing straightened his beard in front of the phone camera, “Zhiyu, you’ve changed into three sets of clothes, be more calm.”

Chen Zhiyu glanced down at the hem of his shirt and wrinkled his brow, “It’s a little wrinkled.” After saying that, he went back upstairs to change his clothes.

Chen Rao put the cat on ZuDe’s back and couldn’t help but call Chen Qixi again. When she learned that the Chen family would be leaving in half an hour, her heart that was hanging in the air was about to leap out of her throat.

When Chen Zhiyu finished changing his clothes again and came downstairs, he saw Chen Rao on the phone with her sister. When she saw Zhiyu, Chen Rao covered the microphone and asked, “Zhiyu, our family is too small, let Ah Sam come over to make up some numbers, what do you think?”

Chen Zhiyu’s gaze flinched and he refused without thinking, “No way!”

Chen Rao put her index finger to her temple and said into the phone, “He said no. Oh right, He Chan likes Qing Shu, how could Zhiyu agree?”

Although she tried her best to put on a sad tone, the little pride that seemed to come out between her words could still be made out.

After she hung up the phone, she went on to arrange a lunchtime dinner, and only after everything was ready did she say with real envy, “Our Chen family is really too thin. I just spoke to Chen Rao for the second time and their family is coming with fifty relatives.”

Chen Rao only felt her brain buzzing, “How come there are so many of them in the Xia family?”

Chen Zhiyu thought about it, “Let’s call ** and Chen Xing’s families over, to get a crowd together.”

More people would make it look grand.

He went home last night and had another talk with Chen Rao, he, as a son, couldn’t interfere with his parents’ social life, he could only express his own thoughts.

The two families, ** and Chen Xing, had held Chen Rao in high esteem every day for the purpose of passing on their children, and half of Chen Rao’s stereotypical and bizarre ideas came from these two families.

That day, he called the people over, and he hammered them personally.

Chen Rao shook her head and replied firmly, “I don’t want to call them, why would you be asking to bring them here again?”

Chen Rao had reflected on her paranoid behavior afterwards. She had just been so straight forward as to break up with those so-called relatives in order to welcome her daughter-in-law, and Zhiyu now asked her to call them here again.

Was it to test her?

“Tell them to come and see me engaged, to see that our Chen family has someone to succeed it.” Chen Zhiyu said, “Don’t keep them for dinner, let them leave after meeting them.”

It dawned on Chen Rao that this was to make them purely instrumental people.

The son was worthy of being an iron-blooded capitalist, draining them of every last drop of blood even before severing their relationship.


At twelve o’clock, ten cars from the Xia family pulled up at the entrance of the Chen family villa.

Ten luxury cars were lined up, and the Xia family got out of the cars one after another. Xia Jing’s family, Xia Jing’s brother and his family, Xia Lao Er’s family, and old man Xia’s family, there was a lot of pomp.

The Chen family’s side was sparsely populated with a few people, even with the addition of relatives on the other side, it looked very thin.

Chen Qixi walked in the front with Xia Qingshu on her arm, wearing a set of light-colored jewellery around her neck and her make-up was on the light side, making her look particularly noble. She was followed closely by the Xia relatives, and she seemed to be the graceful and luxurious big sister, beautiful and sassy.

Chen Rao drew very thick eyeliner today, her eyes were upturned, with such makeup, her aura looked particularly adequate, but in contrast to Chen Qixi, she was set off like a villain instead.

When she reached the door, Chen Qixi elegantly extended her hand and shook Chen Rao’s, “Hello, in-laws’ mother.”

After shaking hands, she turned to introduce her relatives to Chen Rao. This is Qing Shu’s uncle, the family is in the oil industry, not very profitable, only a few billion profit a year, this is Qing Shu’s own cousin, engaged in new energy, I do not understand, I heard he is some kind of industry leader ……”

Faced with so many relatives, Chen Rao’s face was almost stiff, after greeting them one by one, she did not sort out these relatives’ relationships. Anyway, she understood, in a few words, these are Qing Shu’s closest relatives, the kind with blood relations, if Qing Shu is bullied even a little, they will step in to help.

After Chen Qixi finished introducing them, she smiled and looked behind Chen Rao, “In-laws’ mother, your family’s relatives, introduce them as well.”

Chen Rao looked behind her at ** and Chen Xing’s group of people. These were the descendants of Chen Zhiyu’s great grandfather’s adopted son, not to mention that they were not related to them by blood, their family backgrounds were also not impressive. They were all clinging to the Chen family to earn some living expenses, and were simply incomparable to the Xia family’s relatives.

Chen Rao suddenly realized that these relatives were not of much as essence. She was beginning to regret calling these people here.

Chen Rao gave a sarcastic laugh, “These are distant relatives. The kind that can’t be beaten with eight sticks.”

Chen Qi Xi was also aware of these awful relatives of the Chen family, she half squinted her eyes, took a look at these relatives holding a baby and laughed, “Distant relatives, then there’s no need to keep in communication.”

** and Chen Xing’s hands shook as as they hugged the baby, almost dropping it.

When they suddenly heard that Chen Zhiyu was getting married, they didn’t believe it, and when they heard that it was a man, they still held on to the slightest chance of adopting their child, but they didn’t expect their in-laws’ mother to be so powerful, directly telling them not to interact with each other.

**  hugged her little grandson and turned her hand towards Chen Rao’s arms.

Chen Rao was startled, as if the other party was some kind of poisonous creature, suddenly jumping up and dodginh to the side.

Chen’s distant relatives: “……”

Chen Rao: You don’t touch me, my hands are to hug my own grandchildren, other people’s grandchildren can’t be hugged.


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